Friday, July 6, 2012

TGIF!!! July 6th

It sure feels like a long week despite being a short week!  The off-day in the middle of the week has thrown off my schedule :)  I'm looking forward to the weekend!

Do you ever notice how some people always seem happy?  The older that I get, the more that I realize that we decide how happy we will be each day!  Everyone has problems.  Everyone has stress.  BUT some people make the best of it and smile through it, and some people dwell on the issues and choose to go through life in an unhappy state.  Choose to be happy!  Try it for a day and just see how much better you feel that evening!  Compliment people, be thankful for what you DO have, smile throughout the day, and try to do something nice for someone- by doing things for other, you will benefit yourself & them!


Family stuff I'm excited about:
  • Only 20 more days until my kiddo is back home!  I'm excited :)
  • My nephew will be arriving in a little over a month- I am SO excited to meet him!!

I'm also looking forward to a (hopefully!) relaxing weekend with Pat!  


What a great week of bootcamp's!  You never know how it's going to go when you have a holiday mid-week, but I had people there & pushing it in every class!  The heat & humidity definitely up the 'sweat factor', but you all rocked every workout!!  *proud trainer moment* :-)

Personally, I'm happy with my progress, but like any other woman I have my own quirks & wish it would go faster :)

Have a great weekend everyone!

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