I was wide awake at 7am today- not by choice (thank you Lola! I love when the dogs don't understand that it's the weekend!) and opened up my online Bible. I use the YouVersion app- it has lots of options! You can pick different translations, reading plans, etc. Today's reading was Proverbs 4, and I would recommend any and everyone to read it! (No Bible or phone/tablet handy? No problem!! Click here ---> Proverbs 4 NIV)
It talks about getting wisdom at any cost, and avoiding the path of evil. In today's world, that is very important both for us as adults & for us to teach our kids! We need to work hard to learn and educate ourselves. We will be able to make smart decisions and not have to rely on the input of other people in order to make a decision. We have talked about this in my small group before- in reference to the Bible. If we know the verses and their meanings, we will have that knowledge not only for our own lives but we will be able to help others when they need it. The other part of this reading that touched me was to avoid the path of evil. I know that it's hard to stay on the right path and not to get caught-up in worldly things. Like many others, I've made mistakes in the past and started down that wrong path. The good thing is that God forgives us! He is amazing and despite the mistakes we make, He is always there waiting on us!
This weekend has been a lot of Q.T. for me and the hubby! It's nice to take the time to just BE... yesterday we went to the farmer's market, and he got a lot of work done with the garden. I got a lot of food prep and cooking done. I even baked him a blackberry/blueberry crisp! I haven't tried it, but I hear it's pretty tasty! It's nice to just take a little time to just hang out- watch a movie, eat dinner, etc.
I tried a new recipe this morning that I saw on Pinterest - I seriously LOVE this website!! It's so addictive but you can find so many ideas for food, exercise, crafty stuff, etc. This is the link to all of my boards: Jen's Pinterest boards :) I made cinnamon roll waffles for Pat! It's super easy & quick, and would be a good treat for the kids once in awhile! (totally not healthy, but Pat said they were tasty! You can get the recipe here)
Cinnamon Roll waffles with cream cheese frosting
This afternoon we are heading out to my parents house- it's our Sunday tradition! In the summer there is usually Cardinal's baseball on, and the rest of the year is split up between basketball and football (Pat is a Vikings fan!)
I went for a run this morning, twisting around my neighborhood and the back streets and ending up at the Y. I ran a mile there and did hill sprints. That just equaled exhaustion! And I twisted my knee, so it was a LONG walk home! Word to the wise- take your phone with you when you run alone! That way you don't have to hobble home :) It's feeling better after ice & ibuprofen, but it just stinks getting older! Between my foot burn yesterday (stepped in burning coals- melted the skin right off my left foot- OUCH!) and my knee today, I'm frustrated!
I haven't had any food yet today... it's time for some eggs & avocado! I've had a few questions about supplements from friends & clients & FB friends- I don't always take them, but I try to listen to my body. I may soon be selling a fabulous brand of supplements- news on that to come soon! But right now I'm taking a multi-vitamin, probiotic, fish oil, and sometimes pre-workout energy and post-workout protein. Today I'm home so I am eating my protein rather than drinking it. (This is not fully Paleo- if you're following paleo 100% then you wouldn't be taking these.)
Have a blessed day with the ones you love!! Get some exercise in & your body will thank you!
And if you're on Facebook, make sure you add me as a friend! Jen's Facebook account!
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