I've been asked several times what my 'top fitness tips' are... that is a tricky question! So here is my answer (this is the short version- just send me a message if you would like more info!)
1) Fitness & nutrition go hand-in-hand. Without one, the other isn't getting the full benefits & neither are you! I have had so many clients that come to the gym & kill the workouts 3x per week, but when it comes time for fit testing, their results aren't what they want. I immediately know that their nutrition sucks (sorry, but that's a good description of it!) If you are going to work hard & put in the effort (& lots of you get up early & are literally losing sleep to do this!) then make sure that you're eating right!
I've had several mentions of Paleo & Whole30 on this blog, because that is what works for me personally. The main thing I would suggest to get started is cleaner eating. You have to start somewhere, and I would say the first thing is to ditch the soda/energy drink/etc. and replace them with water. And NO MORE fast food! Read labels- if you can't pronounce it, don't put it in your body! And don't wait to start later. Start immediately :) Right now! (If you're like me, you have to go all-in or it won't work. In that case, don't start gradually. Figure out what changes need to be made that can be a lifelong change, and just do it! The first few weeks are tough, but after that you are set!)
2) WORKOUT. When I say 'workout', I don't mean go for a leisurely walk & call it good. Sweat. Get that heart rate up. Put in effort & you will be amazed at the changes you will see in your body! I offer personal training & I have group bootcamp classes. The motivation from working with a personal trainer or working out with a group is awesome! You are held accountable & you will get better results verses working out alone. I see lots of people that go to (insert gym name here) and hop on the elliptical or treadmill for 20 minutes while leisurely reading a fitness magazine and then leave. No offense, but you won't be seeing dramatic body composition changes from this routine! Make your workouts count- if you need assistance, that's what personal trainers & fitness professionals are for!
3) PREPARATION. Now that we've briefly discussed what to eat & what to do, I would suggest being prepared.
*Plan your workouts into your day just like you would plan any other appointment. Block that time off on your phone/calendar, and don't negotiate that set time frame! If you have 30 minutes during lunch that you can dedicate to fitness, then do it! Have your weights, shoes, & clothes ready the night before. Or leave them at work :)
*Food prep... you have to have healthy choices on hand in order to avoid the vending machine temptation :) Here is my plan- I cook chicken & boil eggs over the weekend & keep them in the fridge. I keep spinach & lettuce on hand, along with whatever fruits & veggies I have from the garden/farmer's market/grocery store. For fruits & veggies- I wash & slice them when I get them. By having them on-hand & ready to go, I have no excuse not to eat them. (And I'm the master of excuses!!) AND don't buy it if you shouldn't eat it. And if you shouldn't eat it, then chances are that your kiddos shouldn't eat it either. They will survive without their sugar cereal & donuts- your health & their health is worth it! So just don't buy it!
Other tips:
The slow cooker is your friend! If you know that you're going to have a busy day, toss stuff in the crock in the morning & VOILA! You have dinner ready that evening! For us, it is really handy for those times that Pat works late, I have evening clients, & E has cheer practice. No last minute scramble for dinner, and no frustration that leads to chinese or pizza carry-out!
Water- always have it with you! In the car, in the store, at work, around the house- carry a water bottle! If you happen to be out & about & run out of water, I know that in my area you can go by the gas station & get a large cup of ice water for $0.25 :) No excuses!
Listen to your body- and make sure that you're really hungry before eating! Make sure that you're protein intake is high enough & that will keep you filled up longer :) (Increase protein, and decrease sugar & grains)
I could go on & on... but my main point is to make your health a priority! When you're putting in the effort to be in better shape & working on good nutrition, if effects your whole life! You will have more energy for your job, for your family, and you will increase your confidence! Start making positive changes today!
Jen Ostergren
Personal Trainer
Welcome! I'm Jen, and I am so glad that you popped by to check out my blog! I'm a Christian, wife, mom, personal trainer, and wellness coach! Helping people get healthier & happier is one of my passions, and I like to share my journey of faith, family, and fitness on social media! *To understand my reason for this blog, make sure that you go all the way back to post #1- it explains everything :)
If you have questions, you can contact me at trainingbyjen@hotmail.com