Monday, July 9, 2012

Mustard seeds... July 9th, 2012

July 9th

What a great weekend!  I was glad to see some rain, and we got to spend time with friends on Saturday evening, and my family on Sunday afternoon.  ('Baby Boy Scott' was pretty active- poor Charith is going to have some rib pain for the next month if this keeps up!)  We ended it with a movie (Spiderman!) with my parents last night, then came home & made stuffed pepper's from our garden.  Aside from missing the kiddos, it was a good summer weekend!

Have you ever really thought about the size of a mustard seed?  This popped into my head today when I was thinking & praying about what to write about, so maybe God wants this to reach out to someone!  

In Matthew, it says, "Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, "Why could we not cast it out?' He said to them, 'Because of your little faith. For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17:19-20) and then again in Luke, it says, "'The apostles said to the Lord, 'Increase our faith!' The Lord replied. 'If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you." (Luke 17:5-6)

In the verse, Jesus has given the disciples the ability to heal but they didn't have the faith in Him to do it.  They were afraid to cast out the demon because it was too hard for them- but if they had just relied on Jesus & had faith in him, it would have been no problem!  Nothing is too difficult for God!  

This is applicable in my life, and probably in your life too.  I know that there are some days that I wake up and look at all of the complications and road blocks that are in my path and I think 'there is no way that this is going to all work out, why even try?'  But if I take a second (and a few deep breaths!!) and think about it, I know that God doesn't give us more than we can handle.  I can surely have enough faith in Him to amount to the size of a mustard seed!  No matter what gets thrown my way, I know that somehow -with a tiny amount of faith- that it will all be ok :)

And just because I'm a dork, I had to see how big a mustard seed really was- here you go!  I used a pen for comparison, so you can see just how tiny it is! This is container of mustard seeds, and if you look closely you can see a single seed to the right of the pen!

I already mentioned that we spent time with my family yesterday!  Mom, Dad, Bryan, Charith, Pat, and me - lunch at my parents house like we usually do on Sunday afternoons!  We watched some Cardinal's baseball on the tube, and apparently quit watching too early because they somehow pulled off a "W" after we left!  
I have had several friends mention that they love how my family still gets together all of the time & how they wished that their family did the same thing.  I think that I sometimes forget how fortunate that I am to have my family close by and the fact that we all get along :)  My sister lives in Texas, but she is fortunately able to come home pretty often!  I can't imagine it being any other way- my entire family has played a huge part in raising my daughter, and I think that is awesome!  When I lived away from here, I was fortunate to have a close family there also, but living back here was something that I really wanted once I had my daughter.  I think that it's a great place to raise a family!  No matter where you live, make family a priority!  It's so easy to get wrapped up in the world and work, but you have to make time for your family.  Because before you know it, those babies are growing up!

Bootcamp was pretty awesome this morning!  I've stepped up the pace and changed up the workouts lately, and everyone is doing well!  I told someone this morning to be proud!  Change takes time, but remember that you're A) doing something healthy for yourself, and B) You're doing it!  While others are still in bed or being lazy, be PROUD of the fact that you are pushing yourself and you are doing it!!!!  This morning we did an outdoor running circuit, and then a short indoor circuit.  Everyone did great!  I love the fact that we can be outside in the summer!

After class this morning, I came home & have been busy!  I made some paleo banana muffins & I have kale chips in the dehydrator.  It's my first time to use the dehydrator so we'll see how that goes!  I seem to burn any kind of chips that I attempt to make in the oven so I thought I would give this a shot!

Kale is dehydrating!  Seasoned with olive oil & seasoned salt

Banana Paleo muffins- with dark chocolate :)

Have a great Monday- make it a good week!  Pray, have some faith, enjoy your family, and be healthy!  Make smart food choices & exercise every day :)


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