Friday, August 3, 2012


It's been a busy week!  I just got home from a great 5:30am bootcamp class.  Can I just say that my clients rock?!?!!  It's been a few weeks (or months!) of really hot & humid temperature's!  Everyone has pushed through the workouts & I'm seeing some great results!  I'll post a short workout later today for anyone to try!  The workout, like all of my classes, are able to be modified for all ages and fitness levels!

I picked a good devotional to be reading because it's definitely been applicable to the events of this past week!  (I'm sure that God had a hand in leading me to pick this one!)  If you haven't been reading my posts, it is entitled Teaching Tolerance and it's on the YouVersion site.  

Today's verse:
"Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ." -Ephesians 4:15

The devo series talks about having a loving attitude towards those who are different from you.  With all of the craziness that erupted with Chic-Fil-A this past week, I think that this is important to reiterate.  

Yes, I am a Christian.  No, I'm not a hater of anyone.  No matter what my views are on something, God says to be loving.  It saddened me to see all of the hate (on both sides of the matter) that was going on.  To me, this was about your First Amendment rights.  He had the right to say what he believes about marriage, just as anyone else has that same right.  He wasn't hateful, spiteful, etc and he didn't say anything to that matter.  The media took it and ran with it.  But that's the beauty of America, we all have the right to our opinions.  So be sure that you are being a good example.  Hatred & unkind words will not lead others to know Christ.  Be a kind-hearted and loving example of what a Christian is!!  Speak the truth in love

I've had a great week with Elisabeth!  It's so good to have her back home :)  And I can't believe that school starts in a few weeks- BOO!!  Yesterday, we tackled her closet.  This was a huge task, as every time we have her clean her room, I think that she dumps everything in her closet.  I started by having her take everything out of the closet.  As she saw the huge mess that developed in her room, I think she understood why we needed to get it all organized!  After about 3 hours of sorting & tossing out old stuff, we now have a semi-organized closet!  WOOHOO!!

I love that she still has all of her stuffed animals :)

This side will need a little more organizing, but at least all of these clothes still fit :)

Today we are making a trip to the library to get some books.  She loves reading!  We also have to swing by her new school to pick up an info packet.  Pat is finishing up a tile job and working on bid's.  

Like I mentioned earlier, my bootcamper's and personal training clients are really progressing well!  We've been doing some tougher workouts and they are all trooper's!  Today we did a circuit of strength training, and then went running.  Tough, but awesome!

I posted last night (from my phone!  I'm still figuring out this technology stuff, but it worked- YAY!) about running.  I'm following a half-marathon training plan, just to have a plan of attack for my runs.  No, I'm not going to do a race :)  But I'm running (ie- jogging!) Tues/Thur/Sat or Sun.  Yesterday I ran while listening to an audio book and the time just flew by!  "Thanks!" to the Olympics and the iPod commercial creators for that great idea!  If anyone has a great audio book app, please let me know!  

Nutrition- things are still going well.  I read a great article about the 80/20 rule (Thanks to my Twitter friend @PaleoPrimalPost - follow him for some great Paleo articles & info!) and it helped me out a little bit with my guilt :)  I've been struggling with not going 100% in.  I don't feel like I need to at this point, and this kind of helped me out a little bit!  I'm still eating clean for the most part, but I did have a pb&j sandwich and a greek yogurt yesterday.  SO not paleo.  But my guilt is subsiding- LOL!!  Don't get me wrong, there are times that I feel like I NEED to go at it 100%- just a feeling that my body needs that detox.  When I'm at that point, I go for a Whole30.  If you're feeling that way (need to increase your energy levels, lose some weight, clean up your eating, etc.) I suggest that you check out the book "It Starts With Food" - it's awesome & full of very useful info.  Even if you're not interested in a Whole30, I suggest you read the book for the knowledge!!  It can help you plan out healthier meals & snack options for yourself & your family.

Have a HAPPY FRIDAY everyone!  Get your workouts in & make smart food choices!  If you ever have any questions on fitness, or anything else on this blog, send me a comment or a message ( and I'll respond as soon as possible!!

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