Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Friday Friday :) :) :)

TGIF!!!  And Happy Friday morning to everyone!  

I'm home from the last day of an amazing bootcamp session, and it was a fabulous workout!  Lunges with a curl, dips, side-to-side hop kicks, donkey kicks, handstand hold, and box jumps!!  Ooooo-la-la, feel the burn :)  I also had my first personal training session with a new client- I am so excited about working with her!  We have many of the same values, and I think that she is going to have some amazing results!

Yesterday was a busy day, and it ended with my daughter's 6th grade orientation.  Everything went well, and her nerves eased up a little bit once she realized where her classes were & met a few people :)  She got signed up for Girls on Track (awesome program!) and pep club, so she's settling in just fine!  

Here she is before we left:


The unspoken prayer request is still there- so please keep us in your prayers!

I was talking about obeying God with my daughter yesterday, and how He is always there for us.  I told her the story of how I started this blog (if you haven't read post #1, you should!) and she was pretty amazed.  I think it's important to be honest and up-front with our children.  They know more about the world then a lot of parents realize, and if they have someone to talk to and confide in then it may help avert future problems.  Listen to your kids, and have conversations with them about what's going on in their world.  Teach them to have hope in God!

Today's verse of the day on YouVersion is from Isaiah.  

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
-Isaiah 40:30, 31


Our family is busy busy busy!  As I was signing my daughter up for more activities at the orientation, I realized how crazy it must have been for my parents (there were 3 of us kids!  I'm overwhelmed with just Elisabeth's activities!  Once Ryan is more active, we'll have his activities also- kudos to you busy parents!)  We are going to have stuff after school and in the evenings pretty much every day, between her cheer, track, and school stuff, and my job!  I DO love that she is active and involved with stuff :)  

This is our last weekend before school starts, and the weather is going to be nice!  I'm looking forward to some relaxation and being outdoors!


Like I mentioned above, it's been a great fitness day so far!  I'm so proud of my bootcamp clients- today was the last day of a 4-week session, and everyone did SUCH a great job!  I've changed up the workouts, and they vary each day, but everyone has pushed through each workout!  I'm seeing changes in strength & body comp, and I'm excited!!

I have a new session beginning next week, and it's going to be another good one!  I have most of the workouts pre-planned, and they are GOOD!!  Bootcamp & HIIT are going to be amazing this session!  I also have several new personal training clients starting next week, and I'm excited to guide them through the sessions to reach their goals!

Other than the cookie dough yesterday (!) I did pretty well with my nutrition- Dinner last night was tasty!  (Thanks to my hubby!  He had dinner ready when I got home last night!)  Grilled chicken, grilled zucchini slices, and sweet potatoes!

I went to the grocery store & picked up some more healthy snacks- I'm planning on getting prepared for next week over the weekend!  My schedule is going to be pretty crazy for the next 4 weeks, so I wanted to make sure I had plenty of portable snacks since I won't be home as often!

I'll leave you with this verse- a good one!!

Have a great Friday!

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