Thursday, August 9, 2012

Busy day for this lady!

My baby starts middle school next week!  We have her orientation tonight, and I'm just still in shock that the time has flown by so quickly!!  Wish us luck as we get everything ready over the next week :)

I had an awesome training session with Ashlee this morning- this chick has me laughing the whole time, and I really look forward to our sessions!  She is also making some good progress!  I have more training's and a  bootcamp class later today, followed by the orientation!

I'm combining the two again today, because they are both on my mind!  I can't really blog about it right now, but we have an important day today...  I have faith that God will lead us in the right direction with everything that's been going on!

I had a fantastical 3.1 mile run this morning!!  The weather was cooler, I ran a tiny bit quicker than last time, and I ran a new route!  All in all, it was a success :)  I rushed back and went to work!  My fitness routine is going well- I just need to get on the ball with my eating.  I have not been doing a fantastical job with my nutrition.  Boo!  However, today has been a good day!  I just finished a lunch of eggs & sweet potatoes :)  I'm out of salad stuff or I would have had some greens along with it!  (Breakfast was a protein bar in the jeep on the way to work, lol, and snack at 10:30 was 2 boiled eggs...  lots of eggs today!)

Say a little prayer for us today- lots on my brain and I'm trying to remain less-stressed (notice I didn't say not-stressed...  it's just not happening today!)

Happy Thursday!

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