Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Back-to-School Day!

August 15th, 2012- 

Springfield Public Schools are back in session!  I'm the proud momma of a 6th grader as of 8am :)  I'm loving all of the 'first day of school' pic's on Facebook!  Be proud of your kids & all that they will be accomplishing this school year!

Today I pray for all of the students & staff as they return to school!  And for the kids to be able to make good choices, avoid peer pressure, and have a great learning experience!  (& for the teacher's to stay sane, LOL!)  

Today's verse of the day from YouVersion is-

"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline." -2 Timothy 1:7

How awesome is this verse?!  God gave us confidence!  Find your spiritual gift and use it.  Pray about it.  Teach your children about God and watch them grow :)

Like I already mentioned, school is back in session!  Elisabeth starts 6th grade at Reed Academy today, and I think that it's going to be a good year for her!  Choosing to switch schools and leave behind most of her friends was a tough decision (& we are so happy that the Eatherly family is going there, too!) but I'm hoping it was a good one!  Pat is busy with work, and my day is wide open until this evening...  but I have plenty of house work that needs to be caught up :)

Here is a pic from the 417 Magazine site of Pat & I last Saturday night:

The new session is off to a fantastic start!  I have several new clients, both in classes & in personal training, and I am so excited to watch them progress!!

On my personal fitness, things are going well!  Bootcamp last night & then again this morning was rough- my body is tired!  So I'm skipping my run today & doing it tomorrow!  Nutrition is going great- I'm trying to keep only healthy snacks around to avoid the temptation!  (Ice Cream is my weakness- HAHA!!)

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