Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rock that body! New beginners outdoor workout!!!

Hi guys,

I've been MIA with my crazy schedule lately, so I haven't been posting as often.  Here is a quick workout that you can do outside.  It's great for those of you that are just beginning to exercise!

Grab your phone or a stopwatch, some water, and get ready!!

Start with about 5 minutes of stretching (DO NOT skip stretching- it's very important!)

Walk for 2 minutes


  • Find a curb or a step, and hop up & down (up+down=1) 20x
  • Do 5 lunges each leg
  • Do 10 squats
  • Do 25 jumping jacks
  • Alternate between jogging 3 minutes & running hard for 30 seconds

Repeat all of this at least 3x (the more the better, and put some amazing effort into it to make it a good calorie burner!)

Cool down by doing a 2 minute, VERY easy jog, followed by walking until your heart rate goes back down (or until you get back home!) & then stretch those muscles again :)

This is a good workout to do around the neighborhood!  Have fun!!

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