Monday, August 20, 2012

Gym, Supplements, & Motivation... & meet Graysen!!

The weekend is over (& it was awesome!  more on that later...) and it's time to get in the gym!  

Things that are on my mind today:

1)  Just do it.

I've talked to so many people that tell me that they were afraid to try a class or afraid to do personal training.  Once they started it, they fell in love with it!  Losing inches, losing pounds, and gaining self-confidence are some of the key points that I hear from my clients!

So if you're thinking about a class - wanting to shed those pounds & fit into your jeans - talk to me.  We can come up with a strategy to help you get healthier!  I'm not a screamer (no Jillian Michaels yelling from me!) but I will motivate you to achieve your goals!  If you follow my plan, you will smash those goals!!  And I can give you the names of some clients to talk to for references if you would like!

2) Supplements.

I've been very on-the-fence about supplements.  I hear so many bad stories about scam companies promising to help you lose 50 pounds in a month...  I'm all about doing things the healthy & safe way.  That being said, I've been approached by a few different companies about representing their brands and promoting them to my clients.  After a lot of research (it's been a few months of Q&A~) and trying out their products, I'll soon be offering a complete line of vitamins & other health supplements- info to come soon!!

3)  Motivation.

I'll always try to motivate my clients.  You, as clients, are also motivating your peers!  You may not realize it, but as you tell them about your fitness plans and they watch your eating habits change and your body change, you are motivating them!  So keep it up!  WOOHOO :)

My nephew arrived safe & sound on Friday, weighing in at 8 pound's & 1 oz. and 20.25" :)  Baby, Mom, & Dad are all doing great!  And I'm so happy to say that after months of prayer, Graysen was born completely healthy.  God is so amazing!  The hole in his heart is completely gone, and he was a healthy weight (they thought he would be really small) and size!  God has big plans for this little guy, and I can't wait to spoil him rotten!!

Have a wonderful day!

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