Friday, October 26, 2012

26 Days of paleo, plus a few pics :)

Well, I've made it 26 days!   (October Nutrition Challenge - woohoo!  It's almost done!)  I've stuck to the plan about 98% of the time, and I'm feeling pretty good!  My workouts are definitely improving- today I beat my record for dead hang pull-up's (which is still too low to post my results & keep my chin up, but at least it's improving!) 

Here we go with the latest update in my crazy life :)

We've been visiting a new church the past few weeks, and it's good to see a different point of view and perspective from some amazing peep's!  The lessons have been applicable and the people are pretty amazing!  I'm just waiting to see what the 'Big Guy' has planned for our family :)  I have faith that God will lead us exactly where He wants us to go!

We are getting ready to have a great family-filled weekend!  My sister, her new puppy, and her friend Jill are coming up to visit for the weekend!  Lot's of family get-together's will be occuring, including the baby dedication of Graysen this Sunday!  Here are a few pic's of the last week or so-

Spirit Week at Reed Academy!  This is after the dance :)

My little nerd :)  Today was another dress-up day for the middle school!  We also went and had a 'coffee breakfast' at her school bright & early!

This was from October 11th, at Bri & Drew's wedding - I LOVE this candid shot!!

Woohoo~!  It's complete!  This is a dresser that we sanded down & re-stained, and added new hardware.  It is like a brand new dresser now!  Re-furb'g furniture may be a new hobby of mine!

Yep, all A's!  We are super proud of my kiddo!

Obviously taken BEFORE the Cardinal's blew the series (note: we were still smiling!)

Pat built this frame - how amazing is he?!  The painting is from my sister, from Papua New Guinea!

Like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, it's going pretty darn good!  I would love to say that I dropped oodle's of pounds & I am super cut with a 6 pack, but...  that hasn't quite happened yet! :)  However, I'm lifting much heavier and running is (I should say "was", until I hurt my foot- GRRR!) much better & easier!  My pull-up's are finally improving.  The dead-hang, not kipping or flailing legs versions :)  Although those are probably not-so-awkward-looking these days, too! 

Nutrition really ties into getting good results.  I know that we read it & see all of the funny pin's on pinterest, but it's really true.  They are both pieces of the health puzzle.  If you want to have definition and lose weight, you have to eat clean AND workout.  If you ask any one of the people in fitness magazines what their routine is to get those lean lines & cut ab's, it will include clean eating.  Start with small changes- you do not have to do paleo!  I like paleo because it's easy & cut-and-dry, and I will do it.  But do eat cleaner.  Cut out the processed foods.  If you eat clean 80% of the time, you will see changes.  For myself, it's probably not going to happen 100% :)  But if you choose to do it 100%, go for it!  Your results will be awesome!

Have a wonderful Friday! I'm off to ice down my foot again & then get this house cleaned up!
xoxo, Jen :)

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