Friday, October 12, 2012

It's Friday!! Nutrition, wedding, and FAITH!

It's Day #12 of the October Nutrition Challenge!  I'm happy to say that I made it through a wedding last night without breaking my 'rules' for the month!  The only cheat is that I got on the scale- happy to say that I'm down 4 pounds in 12 days- but the main thing is the muscle tone!  It's very improved!!  Clean eating is a good thing!  I'm feeling good, energy levels are up, and I can tell that I'm past the tough part of the challenge (detoxing from sugar- HAHA!)

Last night we attended the wedding of one of my good friends- it was such a special night!  They had a beautiful wedding, & I am so happy that I was able to be a part of their special day!  

Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Green (& Connor! & Addyson!!!)

Me, Elisabeth & Bri at the end of the night!

Me & Pat

Me & Elisabeth

Here comes the bride!!!  With her dad & son :)

There goes Brae!  She was running, but the cutest flower girl ever :)  This picture makes me smile!!

Pat & Elisabeth dancing :)

The wedding definitely had me thinking about FAITH!  When I met Briana, we were both in rotten places in our personal lives.  Despite all of that, we have both moved forward in life & are truly happy now!  We used to say that we would be 80 year old bitter women hanging out together...  now that has changed!  We will still be great friends, but now we will get old together with Drew & Pat, watching our grandkids running around!  

I know that my faith in God has got me to the place where I am now.  Thankfully, He is a forgiving God & He loves us unconditionally!  We all make mistakes- being young certainly is not an excuse, but for those of us that had rough times when we were younger, it's never too late to turn your life around!  Pray about it, and make changes!  If you need to change the people that you spend time with, then do it.  Find happiness & don't give up until you do <3

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