October 30 Day Nutrition Challenge:
It went pretty well! I lost 7 pounds, 1" in my waist, 0.75" in my hips, 1" in my thighs, and 1" in my arms... and while all of that was awesome (!) the main improvement has been with my energy level & overall feeling of wellness! I feel good, and not dragging or lacking energy all of the time like I had been! I do think that eating right makes a huge difference in your body! I think that I have found a good combination for my body to function & perform better! My lifts are heavier, and my strength is improving! Overall, the challenge was a success- I am back on track!
Last week we went to my brother & sister-in-law's church to see my nephew's baby dedication! It was awesome!! I got a little teary eyed when the pastor spoke about how awesome God is - Graysen is a good example of that! He was healed completely of his heart issue :) When things get tough- when they seem out of control, just remember that HE is in control! Things don't always happen in a way that we want or understand, but they always work out perfectly in the end!
Happy little guy!
Here are a few pic's of the family from the past week!
Nerd day!
Sleepy little giraffe!
Pumpkin carving contest at my mom's!
Me, Elisabeth & Teresa! Rutledge Wilson Farm :)
My little zombie- Trick or Treat!!
Rutledge Wilson Farm 2012 - The fam (minus Pat!)
Checking out the pumpkin patch
She found one!
Me & my brother & Graysen!
Like I mentioned before, fitness & nutrition are going pretty good! I survived the 30 day challenge & got some good results! I did have some candy last night :) (for those that think I never eat anything bad- I had a mini-Snicker's bar & it was yummy!)
I'm going to start a 'Thankful List' for each day before Thanksgiving- I'm never good at posting on here daily, so I'll either post it on here or on my Facebook page so make sure you're following my page! www.facebook.com/trainingbyjen :)
November 1, 2012 - I am thankful for a loving God! Because without Him, none of the rest of it would matter! He makes everything else awesome, and definitely helps out my family and guides us in times of STRESS :) All of the rest of the things that I am thankful for pale in comparison!
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