Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Winter blast!

I was a little bit surprised that SPS had classes today- but E made it there safe & sound!  I'm just hoping that the next snow blast holds off until AFTER I have to pick her up :)  Despite all of the downfalls to winter weather, it is absolutely beautiful outside today!  Click on this link from our local news channel to see some of the awesome beauty that is out there!  KY3 Winter Pictures, February 26, 2013

We have been going to a new church for several months now, and are all really enjoying it!  Great people and a wonderful environment for our family!  God has been so amazing to our family, and has blessed us beyond belief!

Our family is doing well!  Pat has been blessed with plenty of work and my clients have remained amazing!  Elisabeth is still liking her new school & has made a great adjustment to middle school!  She is looking forward to her spring break trip to DC with her classmates!  Ryan is continuing to improve with his health, and we love to have him over as often as we can!  We are ALL looking forward to the arrival of the new baby :)

Today I'm hanging out with my awesome little nephew- he is already 6 months old!  We have been having lots of fun on the days that he gets to hang out with me.  I can't wait until the weather is nicer so we can be outside!!

This was from last week- he is rolling all over the place now!

My workouts have been pretty amazing for a pregnant chick :)  Nothing new to report, but I'm staying consistent with the workouts and trying to stay as healthy as I can for the wee one!  Yesterday morning I had a great workout- and felt really good!  I am glad that I'm starting to get a little bit of energy back in this 2nd tri!
My bootcamp & personal training clients continue to amaze me!  I won't call them out personally, but the results that are coming in are pretty awesome!  I'm also doing a corporate weight loss challenge with a local corporation and they are doing an amazing job!  The weight loss is continuing at a great pace, and we still have several weeks left!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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