Monday, February 25, 2013

Prego update, & working out!

I have LOTS of people asking me about my workouts & nutrition now that I'm pregnant...  I'll be hitting 20 weeks on Wednesday, so needless to say I've had to make some workout adjustments with the growing baby bump!

Prego mamma workout tips:
I am still doing all of my workouts- I do the morning bootcamps, and for the most part I do the workouts in full.  There is some scaling that I do now, both for the safety of the little one & out of necessity due to the increased belly size!  I don't do any core work, or anything else, flat on my back.  I either lay to the side, or find another move.  (My doctor ok'd this- I've kept in touch with her and she said I could continue with everything!)  Push-up's are modified a little bit also- today I did them using dumbbell's so I could get closer to the full range of motion.  I've also heard that using a mat/parellets/wall are good substitutions.  I can still do pull-up's and all exercises with weights.  I have dropped down to just using the bar (45#) on all overhead lifts, or using dumbbells.  I either do lower box jumps or stay with the regular height and do step-up's.  Burpee's have become a bit of a challenge since I can't go flat on my belly!  lol...  so I usually go down to a plank, then add a push-up, then pop back up.  Running has slowed up, and I think I may get a support band to ease the braxton hicks that keep occuring.  I'm sure that there are more, but those are the main ones that I can think of!

As far as nutrition goes, I'm definitely not a shining example of healthy eating...  but I think that I am a realistic example of what many health-conscious people go through when they are pregnant!  You definitely start off feeling guilt about not continuing to eat the way you were (for me it was paleo) but I was honestly not able to do that.  I was really sick for about 15 weeks, and I still have quite an aversion to meats.  Now that I am past the morning sickness phase, I am eating better.  I stay mostly organic & healthy, but I also allow splurges (ice cream- YUM!) and I don't feel bad about eating grains.  I stick to whole grains, and don't over-do it, but it's something that I can keep down & feel good about!

This & That:
I think that the thing to keep in mind while being pregnant is that you are growing a human in that body!  Make sure that you're resting when you feel tired, eating when you feel hungry, and do the best that you can!  In the end, you will get a healthy & happy baby :)  You have lots of time afterwards to increase your workout intensity & get strict with your nutrition!

We go to the doctor on Wednesday for our next ultrasound- I'm crossing my fingers that Baby Ostergren is healthy & lets us know if it's a boy or girl :) :) :)

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