Monday, July 7, 2014

Our 4th of July weekend, and training update...

Happy Monday! It's a gorgeous morning here today! I got up early to get my workout in because it's going to be humid and in the 90's this afternoon!  

I hope that you all had a great weekend (holiday weekend, if you're in the states!) Ours didn't quite go as planned, but it still was pretty awesome!  Friday I woke up feeling a little 'off' - slight headache, tired, etc... but Carter had been up several times the night before (teething- AAUGH!) so I didn't think much of it. I got in a really sluggish workout, cleaned the house, and we headed to meet up with the family for 4th of July festivities! Long story short, my headache got worse & worse to the point that we left early & came home, and I'm pretty sure that I had my first migraine :(  It was horrible, and it lasted all night and into Saturday. I pretty much moved from couch to bed on Saturday, but by evening it was much better. My daughter flew home Saturday night (YAY YAY YAY!!!) and we got to hear all about her Colorado adventures! Sunday, we stayed in for the morning and got some cleaning & re-organizing done, then spent the afternoon at my parents house with my brother, sis-in-law, and nephew. We ended the weekend with a movie night, and grilled some fish for dinner!

So healthy, & SO yummy!  Check out my Instagram for the recipe! (My instagram---> Click here:

Do you ever feel like you want an answer to something SO BAD but aren't getting it? That's me, all of the time :) I am always working on my patience, and God is always helping me along! Be patient, trust in Him, keep praying, and He will give you an answer... and remember, it's always in His timing! Take it from an impatient person :)  It's always worth the wait!

**And I LOVE the shirt that I added in the pic collage up above- 'She is Strong'- I would totally wear it!  I'm not the craftiest person, but I might have to try to make something like that!

It was great to see some of the family this weekend! And SUPER great to have my daughter back in town! A big thanks to my sister and Shaun for having her visit, taking her to camp, and showing her so many beautiful sight's in Colorado!

I love this pic of her- candid, smiling, having fun!! And wearing boots, because of course you wear boots, it's a rodeo! :)

Starting today, we are making a change that would actually fit into both family & fitness. I will no longer be working out of Elite Athletics, and will be working on a more full-time basis for my husband's company. (Shameless plug- check out his amazing work by clicking HERE!! I will be adding some new picture's soon of a job that he just finished, it turned out AWESOME! I love seeing the before/after pics of a remodel- there is so much that can be updated & improved in every home!)
My love of health & fitness has not changed, but it was time for a transition in the work environment!  I will still be posting on the Training By Jen page (Click here---> & I will still be here to help you along with your healthy journey!  You can also follow my Instagram account (link is above) for motivation (& my kids, they are always on there!)

And I'll still post about my personal fitness craziness on here for you to follow- I really hope that I can inspire you to get healthier! It takes effort, but your body needs to be taken care of! Make smart choices (nutrition, exercise, lifestyle) and you will feel better & be happier!

Have a great Monday!  Check out my Facebook page for a free workout to do today!!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

July 2nd - beautiful day in the Ozarks!

*Side note- I wrote this yesterday, but every time that I tried to publish it our internet would go out... So frustrating! So you get to enjoy it today!

Oh my, this is 3 days of blogging in a row!  Woohoo :) What a gorgeous day we are having!  We decided to get out and enjoy the morning at one of our local parks with some friends, and we had so much fun!  It was C's first time to play in the fountains, and he loved it! I didn't get any water pictures (my phone SO would have ended up in the water- I didn't even attempt it!) but here is a pic of C playing in the park! He fell asleep about 2 minutes into the car ride home, and we are working on a 2 hour nap! Gotta love sunshine & water :)

I got a text from a friend that had read my blog yesterday- awesome news, because I never know if anyone actually reads my ramblings or not :) She got me thinking about prayer- praying for friends/family/co-worker's/strangers/etc... we often talk about the power of prayer, but are we afraid to ask FOR prayer?  I know that I don't ask for it unless it's a bad situation.  I think that we need to remember to pray for our loved ones all of the time!  Pray for their daily lives, not just the bad situations that we all face!  If you have prayer requests, feel free to post them on the comments (only if you want to!) and I will pray for you!

"Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live." 
~1 Thessalonians 5:17 MSG


Here is my daughter, on a horseback ride in the mountains!  She is going to remember this trip for a lifetime!  A big thank you to my sis & Shaun for showing her such a great time!

I had such a great workout today- at home, while my son was napping!  I am really into the HIIT-style workouts, and I usually create my own workouts based on whatever muscle group I'm wanting to train that day!  Today was cardio & legs - and let me tell you that I'm already feeling those hamstrings!  

I gave my clients the week off - with my daughter being gone, travel schedules, sickness, & it being a holiday week, I figured we were better off starting the new 4 week session next week... I did NOT, however, give them the week off! (*evil trainer grin*) Instead, my normal clients are getting daily workouts sent to them (tough, intense, at-home, FUN calorie burners!!) So I'm excited to see them all next week, & hear how much they loved the workouts!

I've also been working with our cheer teams by creating workouts for them to do both at home and as conditioning at the gym!  Staying in shape is so important for our young athletes out there - it not only improves their skills & sport, but it helps in preventing injury!  Encourage your kids to stay active and be healthy!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July is here! :)

It's July 1st!  This summer is seriously moving by quickly!  I woke up this morning with this blog on my mind, so I figured that was a good sign that I needed to write!  The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of changes & praying & thinking, so this post may be a cluster of unfinished thoughts & ideas!  HA!

The first thing that I did today was to go back and read my very first post... the reason that I felt led to write this blog.  You can check it out HERE or just click on the link about in the description. I always suggest that people read it first to see what my point of view is before continuing to read. I'm a Christian chick, a family person (and I have strong momma bear instincts- my kids are my world!) and I LOVE helping people get healthy through fitness & nutrition. Well, today I needed to read this to remind me of a few things.  First off- WOW so much has changed since I started this! Our family has grown, by welcoming Carter last July!  Secondly, God is clearly wanting me to continue writing on here.  Hopefully it is helpful to someone out there in cyber land!  With the baby, work, babysitting, and a million other excuses, I've neglected writing for quite awhile.  I'm the perfect example of someone who has made mistakes, but God loves me anyway!  I think that a lot of people feel like they can't be forgiven for past mistakes, but you can!  I hope that this blog reaches you!


Psalm 103:8The Message (MSG)

6-18 God makes everything come out right;
    he puts victims back on their feet.
He showed Moses how he went about his work,
    opened up his plans to all Israel.
God is sheer mercy and grace;
    not easily angered, he’s rich in love.
He doesn’t endlessly nag and scold,
    nor hold grudges forever.
He doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve,
    nor pay us back in full for our wrongs.
As high as heaven is over the earth,
    so strong is his love to those who fear him.
And as far as sunrise is from sunset,
    he has separated us from our sins.
As parents feel for their children,
    God feels for those who fear him.
He knows us inside and out,
    keeps in mind that we’re made of mud.
Men and women don’t live very long;
    like wildflowers they spring up and blossom,
But a storm snuffs them out just as quickly,
    leaving nothing to show they were here.
God’s love, though, is ever and always,
    eternally present to all who fear him,
Making everything right for them and their children
    as they follow his Covenant ways
    and remember to do whatever he said.

I really like this verse- and it doesn't matter which type of Bible that you use, the meaning is still there! (For the record, I like the MSG because it seems easier to read and understand, especially when I'm talking to my 13 year old about stuff! I also have a King James, and other varieties... my thoughts are that you should have whichever speaks to you & that you will study!  It doesn't do much good if it's collecting dust on a shelf or in an app that you never open!)

Just like in the 1st blog post, I have all of my faith in God... what kinds of changes does He want me to make? Where does He want me to go? I pray that I will be ready for whatever it is that He wants me to do :)  I have grown up with many examples of people that are obedient and faithful, so it's easy for me to have faith that God will provide!  I shouldn't say 'easy' - I have days where I let the worry get to me just like everyone else... but I have had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home, and having great Christian examples in my life. I know that God is awesome!

Another random thought that has been on my mind is the scariness of the world that we live in. I know that in the end we are heading for a much better place, but in the meantime it's scary to even turn on the news!  And I know that I can't shelter my kids from the world, but some days it seems like such a good idea ;)


Our family is doing pretty well! As a mom, having a daughter that is now in her teen years is a wee bit scary! Thankfully, she has our family to support her (& teach her... definitely not her favorite part now, but someday she will be thankful about it. Ha!!)  She has had a pretty eventful summer- she's at a volleyball camp near my sister's house this week and having a blast!  When she's not at camp, she's getting to hike and see the beauty of the Rocky Mountains!  She has church camp coming up, and then my sister's wedding!!
The baby is growing up fast- he will be a year old this month!  What a crazy fast year this has been!!!  He's awesome, and 100% boy- loves to make a mess, loves to climb everything, and is a sweet sweet boy!  He also adores his sister, so this week has been rough on him with her gone!
Pat and I are also doing well- he is keeping busy with work (Praise!) and I'm keeping busy with the kids, my nephew, doing the business paperwork, and my evening classes at the gym!
We love our families- we are getting to spend some time with Pat's family this summer (the kids are in town- yay!) and my side of the family gets to be 'harassed' by us all of the time :)
The extended family is good, too- new babies, babies on the way, and Grandma Helen was having a good day at the nursing home when I took the boys to visit yesterday! We are so fortunate to be surrounded by an awesome family!


Since I had the baby, I've definitely taken a few steps back with work. I'm just doing group classes now, & I have some amazing women in the classes! They are dedicated, hard working, and they are awesome!!!  So a big 'THANK YOU' to you ladies, for hanging in there, for switching to a group exercise class, and for those of you that switched to virtual training!  Being a mom is my first priority BUT health & fitness is also very important in my life! I hope that I'm helping you find a balance in your life as well!  You CAN be healthy & busy at the same time!!!!

My personal health & fitness journey is just that... a journey!  I've found a balance that I didn't have before having the baby!  I just don't have the time to spend hours at the gym working out, so I've adapted my routine & I am so happy!  I lift weights, do HIIT training, and eat better- and it works for me!

I hope that you all have an awesome 1st day of July...  be thankful for the present time!  Enjoy what you have right in front of you!  As always, I LOVE hearing back from my readers!  Shoot me a message at or leave a comment on here!  

Jen :)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

11 months later...

1 day before Carter / this morning

I've been asked many times about my post-baby workout plan. Well, any "plans" that I had were quickly thrown out the window! I have learned through trial and error to be flexible! I am a very hands-on type of mommy, and I wouldn't change it for the world! But that definitely puts a damper on working out! Carter is with me most of the time, so I have found ways to include him in my workouts. My jogging stroller has a lot of miles on it already! I do squats and lunges while holding him if he's having 'one of those' days :) I go to the gym to teach my fitness classes, and most of the time he is there clapping and cheering my ladies on!

So what have I done to make some progress? I contribute a LOT of it to breastfeeding. It's made me stay aware of my eating habits, eat a little bit cleaner, and avoid all supplements... yep, these are all fat-burner free results! I've also become a lot more relaxed with my fitness regimen. Before Carter, and even throughout my entire pregnancy, I could easily spend a few hours at the gym a day. Now I do all of my workouts at home and with my bootcamp ladies in the evenings. My workouts are quick and intense (quick being the key word-Carter is not a good napper and wants to help me workout... so heavy weights and quick, HIIT workouts have been my key!) The same workouts that I do at home are what I have my clients doing :) We also go on walks and runs when we can!

Also, taking a few minutes each day to pray and have quiet time has helped me to deal with the lack of sleep and craziness of life! (it's not always quiet- but sometimes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is kind of like quiet!) God has been so good to our family - I only hope that I can do what He wants and be a good witness to others!

If you're a new mommy, hang in there and relax!! Enjoy this time because it goes so fast! (Seriously, I can't believe we are planning his 1 year birthday already!) Go for walks, and find a workout that you enjoy! It helps you to feel better, look better, and have more fun out there playing with the kiddos!

If you have any comments or questions, send me a message at! And follow my Facebook page at
I love to hear from you guys!

Jen :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Long overdue update!

Time flies when you're having fun (or when you have kids, lol!)  We are doing fantastic- Carter is almost 9 months old & Elisabeth is 13!! (yikes!)  I'm still doing training, but it's on a very limited basis- between babysitting and working for Pat in the office, life is busy!  God is good!!

God is so good- He has blessed us with a great family, a great church, & a happy life! It's 'God 1st' for me, and I thank Him daily for all that He does for us! I think that a lot of changes will be happening soon, and I'm excited to see how it all works out!

Our family is doing well!  The kids are great and so are the 'parents' :)  My extended family is also pretty awesome - my sis is getting married this summer and I'm so excited for her & Shaun!  My brother, sis-in-law, and nephew are doing fantastic as well!  I'm so lucky to be able to watch my nephew and let the boys grow up together!  My grandma is still fighting some health issues, so please keep her in your prayers!

Here are a few pics from this winter through now:

Elisabeth, Carter & myself hanging out at a cheer competition!

Very proud of Elisabeth for getting an individual award!  Woohoo!!

Elisabeth & her friend Haylei before a school dance

Carter at 5 months old

Family pic!  Elisabeth, 13- Carter, 5 months

My beautiful Elisabeth!

My babies- he wasn't being too smiley this day due to teething :(

This is more like our usual family photo :)

8 months old, rocking the cowboy shirt, picking mom's flowers!

April 2014

He sure loves his daddy!

Action shots- Carter is quite the active little man!


Work- I'm back to training, but on a pretty limited basis!  Between working for my hubby, babysitting 2 extra babies (almost-7 months old & 18 months old, in addition to my almost-9 month old!), & life- it's been busy! I am teaching a Mon/Tues/Thur class from 5:30-6, which has been awesome!  I've got a fantastic group of ladies that attend, & they are getting some awesome results! I try to constantly change up the class format- that way you (& your muscles!) never know what to expect other than a good workout!

Personal- I'm pretty proud of the progress that I've made so far! I'm 7 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight now, and working hard to regain my strength :) Overall I'm getting good results- just a bit of toning to my middle that I'm still waiting on! LOL!!  I'm doing HIIT style workouts in the mornings 5-6 days a week, mixing in some walks & runs when the weather permits, & working out with my classes (when Carter cooperates!) I'm debating on whether or not to post some progress pics :)