Sunday, June 23, 2013

Prego update :)

I have done quite an awful job at keeping this blog updated while I've been pregnant!  It's been a crazy 9 months, but I'm hanging in there!  I'm now a little over 36 weeks pregger's and expecting baby boy to arrive any time now...  I went in to L&D last Thursday with contractions, but thankfully got to come back home!  I've now been having contractions every 10 minutes or so for about a week (with a few breaks, thankfully!) but they said to wait to come back in until I am 5 minutes apart for over an hour, and I can't walk or talk!  I have another appointment on Wednesday, so we'll see if I've made any more progress!  FYI- my daughter was born at 36+6 and was perfectly healthy, so we aren't worried about him not being ready (and the fact that I had a scan almost 2 weeks ago and he was almost 7 pounds, and measured 40 weeks at 34 weeks... big boy!)

The room is ready to go, and me & daddy are as ready as we can be!  He installed the car seat yesterday, and has been awesome with getting the room ready.  He re-did another dresser and got everything hung on the walls that we have found while "thrifting" the past month (lots of old sports memorabilia, looks very cute!)  I'll have to get some pictures posted of the room sometime!  He did a fab job :)

My daughter won't be back home until July 1st from visiting her Dad & his family, so I'm hoping that she will make it in time :)  Even if she misses the birth, she is going to be an awesome big sis!

Health & Fitness- I have done my best throughout this pregnancy!  Not perfect by any means!!  I've kept up with my workouts up until the past few weeks, where I had to take it easy.  Lots of lifting and bootcamps until then, but the running was cut short around 32 weeks...  I was contracting too much to run further than a few miles.  Now I just walk- my belly is HUGE!  and heavy!!!  I have definitely gained more weight than I wanted to, but I guess that's just how my body does while prego!  I haven't stuck with paleo perfectly, but I still eat pretty healthy, and compared to my not-quite-so-healthy first pregnancy 13 years ago, I'm still pretty much gaining the exact same way (not much for about 25 weeks, then BOOM!!!  Big growth spurts!) 

My advice to any pregnant mama is to just do what you can- keep moving if your doctor allows it, and eat healthier.  Don't deprive yourself (I've had ice cream or SnoBiz a few times!) but keep in mind that your baby is eating what you eat :)  You are going to gain weight, your body is going to change, and you're going to not love a lot of the changes!  LOL!!  It's part of it, and it's TOTALLY worth it! 
Post-baby, I plan to nurse him and work my way up to my workouts again when it's allowed!  I'll try to keep the blog updated with my post-partum workout updates!  The main thing is that I'm healthy for my baby!

I hope that everyone is doing well- time to figure out dinner plans!

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