Monday, March 25, 2013

Happy Monday!

It is COLD outside this morning!  I didn't expect to head out to bootcamp at 5am and be greeted with a frozen car, snow, & freezing temp's!  Where, oh where, did that warm spring weather go?!!


I didn't make it to church yesterday... I woke up after Sunday School  had started!  I'm going to look for a new devo book or plan online today since I finished the last one- any awesome suggestions?!  Maybe something about being prego or being a momma...


We had a pretty awesome weekend!  Saturday we got stuff done around the house, I got grocery shopping done & dessert made, and we went to my Grandma's house for an early Easter get-together (hence the dessert!)  Sunday was a pretty lazy day- E went to a cheer clinic & I was lazy most of the day :)

Baby O is doing well!  He is moving around quite frequently now!!  He still doesn't have a name, but he did get a few new clothes this weekend.  We went to the Rhea Lana resale event in Springfield, and found some cute baby clothes!  I still need to register, plan out the nursery, etc... but at least I got a few things accomplished!


Workouts are going well!  I've been keeping up with my workouts, usually 5 days a week... not as intense as they used to be, but I'm keeping up with the weight & just taking it a tad bit slower!  This mornings workout was pretty awesome- I felt good afterwards!  

Nutrition- going MUCH better now that I'm farther along!  I definitely didn't eat very clean at the Easter dinner (who can pass up the yummy homemade foods that my family makes?!) but otherwise I'm doing pretty well!  Example- breakfast today was 2 organic eggs, 1/2 avocado, and 2 slices of nitrate-free bacon (and a cup of coffee!)  and I've already had a huge glass of water...  fellow pregos- hang in there!  Do what you can to be healthy for both yourself & the little one!

I like these little quotes- reasons to be healthy & exercise!
Being an example for my family, friends, & clients is a great reason to be healthy!!

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