Saturday, June 30, 2012

Paleo Mayo - Success!! My day of food prep & savings :)

I never seem to have good luck when it comes to trying out new paleo creations!  But today I attempted paleo mayo and SUCCESS!!!  It's good to keep on hand even if you aren't doing paleo- ideally, your mayo should be like this anyway (check out the ingredients in the jar that's in your fridge- yikes!)

I followed the recipe from 'The Clothes Make The Girl' which is a great resource for all things paleo!  Check it out at  

I let my egg sit out while I ran to the store to grab the lemon- make sure that you leave it at room temperature!  Everything else was stuff that I had at home...  here is the finished product!

As far as prep- I just seasoned some turkey & chicken breasts, and Pat is cooking them on the smoker!  I thought I would try something different for meat prep :)  It will be perfect for salads, to go with egg's, or just for snacking!  I can't wait until it's done!  I also went ahead and cut up the fruits & veggie's- if they are ready to go, I'm much more likely to eat them!

A savings tip- Walmart price matches!  I don't get very much of my produce there, but if I can find a good deal I will definitely check it out!  You probably already knew this- I did, but I never took advantage of it.  I used to do lots of coupon's, but I honestly haven't had the time or the desire to make the time lately.  I had a lady in front of me in Walmart last week who saved on almost everything in her cart, so I decided to check it out today.  I didn't get much, but the carton's of strawberries were on sale for 99 cents at a local store, and avocado's were 69 cents. (compared to the regular price of almost $3 for the strawberries & $1 each avocado)  If you're trying to save money, check out your local ad's before going to Walmart!

Day 3 & 4

Day's 3 & 4-

Yesterday ended up being a busy day & I didn't get my blog done- so today is a 2-4-1 :)

We just got home from the Farmer's Market- I just LOVE that place!  It's already hot, but the vendor's are always smiling & friendly, and they have some great healthy (& local!!  I'm 100% in favor of supporting local businesses!) food choices!  I got some yummy blueberries, blackberries, zucchini, tomatoes, & peaches!  Pat is craving some baked goodies, so I'll have to see what I can come up with from this selection (probably zucchini bread- I'm thinking there is not a good way to 'paleo-ify' it so it will be all his!)

Today I am determined to get prepped for the upcoming week's food choices- I know that when I have stuff ready in advance, I'm less likely to screw up :)  I have a list made, and I'll be cooking & portioning stuff today and/or tomorrow!  I'm going to make paleo mayo for the first time today- wish me luck!


This verse came to my mind today while having some quiet time-

Philippians 4:4-9

New International Version (NIV)
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I think that God is telling me (& possibly you, too!) to relax & be happy, and to turn over my worries to him.  Honestly, I know that I tend to worry too much.  About everything!  I worry about what's happening, then start to think of what could happen, and my brain goes crazy from there!  It's not healthy to be stressed out.  I've been working hard at turning it over to God & saving my body from the effects of stress!  And it turn, it saves everyone around my from having to deal with a stressed out Jen :-)


I'm going to go off to a different side of family today, and hopefully it reaches many people.  When you have a child with someone, whether you're married to them or not, you will have them in your life forever.  I think a lot of people don't realize this, and it just makes for a tough situation for everyone (mainly their kids!)  I have been very fortunate in this situation- E's dad married a great lady!  We get along & have a very open line of communication- I am thankful for her, and I am so glad that E has her & her kids in her life!  In today's society, there are many different forms of mixed families.  I'm not here to debate ethics or parenting styles, but I do think that the needs of the children need to come first.  There is no such thing as a perfect parent, and we all make mistakes, but do the best that you can!  If you've failed in the past, it's never too late to make an effort!

Proverbs 22:6


Yesterday I had a 5:30am bootcamp, and my allergies were not good!  I had a headache, stuffy nose, and upset stomach...  ugh!  I pushed through it (& my clients did AWESOME!!!  I am super proud of everyone- the effort that you are putting forth is inspiring!) but I knew that I had not done anywhere near 100%.  I was lucky if that was a 70% workout, because I felt awful...  well after some rest & letting my medicine kick in, I got in a good workout in the afternoon :)  I always feel better afterwards!  

Paleo is going okay- not 100% (only myself to blame!) but probably about 85% successful!  The main thing is that I'm making smarter choices and going for non-processed stuff!

Today I have done nothing productive on the fitness front (unless you count buying produce at the Farmer's Market!)  I'll be getting in a workout sometime today!

Next week is going to be a busier week- we are off on Wednesday for July 4th, so I'm scheduling all of the classes & training's within the 4 days!  I'm excited to watch it grow, and even more excited to watch everyone progress!

Have a great weekend- remember, prep your meals for next week!
God first, family 2nd, and life after that

Friday, June 29, 2012

Our little garden :)

Isaiah 58:11

New International Version (NIV)
The Lord will guide you always;

    he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land 
    and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden, 
    like a spring whose waters never fail.

I am by no means a gardener.  But I sure have fun trying :) Each year our garden gets better- Pat is always trying new ideas & this year things are doing pretty well!!  I like this verse in Isaiah- He always guides us, & we are like a well-watered garden when we follow His lead! (& this heat is making it feel like a sun-scorched land- it's HOT outside!)

(My husband is now an official "Master Gardener Intern"- woohoo!!  I would highly recommend that course to anyone interested in learning more!

Me after an early bootcamp- enjoying my coffee & the back yard!  Maybe next time I'll wear some makeup before attempting the ever-popular self photo via iPhone :)

Since I'm into being healthy, and he's a great gardener, we have been growing lots of our own veggie's & fruit's this year!  Not only does it save lots of money, but it guarantee's you that your produce is safe & organic!  We freeze what we don't use & then have it for winter!  If you don't have the space or don't have a yard, you can grow lots of stuff in simple containers!!  Try different herb's- they are awesome to use with cooking!  I throw mint into my green tea sometimes- YUM!!

Here are a few peek's into our backyard:

Pear tree- the squirrel's haven't got them all as of yet!

Lots of tomatoes!!

Green peppers

Marigolds (I love all flowers!!)

Sugar Snap Peas

Yellow Summer Squash

Lettuce (part of my lunch today!)


A view from the side!

My favorite section!  Smells awesome!!  Lavendar, Rosemary, Oregano, and mint in the basket!

More mint

Yellow mum & a tomato plant

Banana Tree :)  no bananas :( 

Yard ornament (aka: Ray, awesome puppy!)

Another side view, the closest section is my daughter's- pumpkin, watermelon, & cantelope!  I think getting your kids involved in things outdoors (& away from the computer/tv/etc) is a GREAT idea!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 2: June 28th

DAY #2

Faith:  I'm continuing to read 'Forgotten God' (Francis Chan)  It is an eye-opener & it is definitely making me think! I seem to fall to the side of having 'lots of knowledge', rather than 'a stronger relationship.'  Our family has a lot weighing heavy on our hearts & minds, so I will keep the faith that things are not in my control, but in His!  We have some big decisions ahead!

Family:  I've spent a lot of time talking to E today!  I miss her like crazy!!  R is coming over this evening, and I continue to pray that he will start to feel better and that the doctors will be able to help him.  My hubby is home early from work (seriously, I don't know how he lasted this long!  It's 102 degrees, not counting the heat index!)

Fitness:  I didn't have a 5:30am class today so I did an at-home workout (in the air conditioning!!  It honestly feels strange to workout at home now- I'm used to a gym full of cheering kids!)  But I did a quick workout- squats, pushup's, lunges, core work.  I would like to fit in some yoga or pilates later today- yoga would be good for relaxing my mind!!

I'm working on some new class workouts, and have been getting more interest in personal training!  So things are good!!  I cancelled tonight's 5:00pm bootcamp- with temperature's & humidity so high, I would rather not risk any heat strokes or illnesses.  Paleo is going well- I've had a major headache today, so I don't know if it's due to detoxing or allergies...

While this quote is obviously meant for fitness (note the super fit chick jumping rope!) it is true in all aspects of life.  You can go through the motions & do everything with just enough effort to get by, or you can push it- give 100% of your effort- and see the amazing difference that it makes!  

In fitness, I see this all of the time.  People wonder why 'Jane' & 'Kelly' both come to the same classes, do the same 'amount' of work, but Jane looks 100x better & has better results.  The answer is that her effort is 100x more!  So quit cheating on your rep's or distance's, because in all honesty you are only cheating yourself!  When you really put it out there- push it further than you think you can- THAT is when you see results!  You have to be willing to do one more rep when you don't think that you can! (no, I'm not saying push it until you get injured.  But I AM saying push it through those mental blocks!

 The same is true in your daily life- give 100% to your faith, to you family, to your job...  whatever life throws your way!

Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 1: June 27th

DAY #1

So day #1 is off to an okay start!  I'm fully expecting the paleo crash in a few days, but for now I'll take the good and happy feeling :-)

I started another book by Francis Chan (In the past I ready 'Crazy Love'- I highly recommend it!) and this time I'm reading 'Forgotten God'.  I haven't got too far, but so far I like it.  I like Chan's writing style, which is easy to read & understand, yet gets his point across.  A few interesting points from today's reading were the differences between Exegesis & Eisegesis.  Honestly, I had no clue what these words meant prior to this!  

"Exegesis: an attempt to discover the meaning of the text objectively, starting with the text and moving out from there.
Eisegesis: to import a subjective, preconceived meaning into the text."

Think about it- how many times do we already have an idea stuck in our minds, and we just search for things to support it instead of finding out all of the information surrounding it?  With many religious ideas, I know that people do that.  So I will try to be objective & use a exegesis point of view when reading.  One quote from the books says, "And this is the question I just can't get around: If it's true that the Spirit of God dwells in us and that our bodies are the Holy Spirit's temple, then shouldn't there be a huge difference between the person who has the Spirit of God living inside or him or her and person who does not?"  I know I'm not always a great shining example- nobody is perfect- but we all need to strive to be better tomorrow than we are today!

I'll fill you in tomorrow on this aspect.  So far, I've been to the gym & had coffee with my hubby!  R is with his mom today, and E is at her dad's.

5:30am bootcamp- core, shoulders, & cardio today!  Hot & sweaty & awesome!!  Super proud of my clients who are sticking out this heat wave & pushing it!
Paleo is going well- Early morning, after the gym, I had a protein shake (not paleo but this is one of my exceptions for now) and COFFEE!  (black, no sugar no cream!)  Around 10:30, my late breakfast was 2 eggs & turkey (out of avocado, boo!) and lots of water today.  It's hot.  Like, really really really hot.  I feel bad for my amazing husband who has to work out in this 100+ degree heat :( YUCK!  Tomorrow I would like to hit the Farmer's Market for some local fresh fruit!  We are starting to get veggies from our garden already- woohoo!!

My 30 day plan...

They say it takes about 3 weeks to start a new habit- so why not give 30 days to make a positive change in your life?  Or, if you're feeling bold, make multiple changes to your life!  Afraid to try 30 days?  Try a week! 

Here is my plan (sticking with my 3 F's concept!)-

Faith: Pray daily.  Read the Bible Daily.

Family: Take advantage of family time.  Right now my daughter is at her dad's, which is always tough on a momma!  Rather than dwell on the sad aspect, I choose to 1) be happy that she is getting QT with the rest of her family, 2) be happy that things have worked out to where we get to see R each week, and 3) enjoy the quiet time with Pat & our puppies! (& try to enjoy the crazy heat & gardening, too!)

E is my little cheerleader- that's her in the middle :)

A little old, but a good family picture!

Another family photo!  
The kids are both & lot bigger now- we need some new pic's!

Fitness: Put 100% into each workout.  Strict Paleo (no cheats for awhile!  Unless you count coffee as cheating, then yes on that cheat!)   On the work side of fitness, I want to keep getting new clients & continue to see the awesome results that my current clients are having!

This is something that is totally attainable for me if I put my mind to it- By combining all of the aspects, it should help with my mind, body, & soul!  So starting right now through July 27th, I'm making a few changes!!  I'll try to blog about my progress & anything exciting that occurs!

Faith, Family, Fitness... very specific order!! #FFF

Hi, I'm Jen :)  A little background on me- I am married to a fab guy (Pat), I have an amazing daughter (E) who is about to start middle school, and a remarkably strong step-son (R) who will be in 8th grade this year.  I love our crazy, busy, stressful life!   

Part my my family- my daughter, hubby, & me!

I grew up in Springfield, attending Sequiota & Pleasant View Elementary schools, P.V. Middle School, and Hillcrest High School.  I then went on to attend one year at Drury University (back then it was Drury College) and decided that I was burnt out on school. (Kids- take my advice- don't be as stupid as I was!  Going to school is MUCH easier when you're not married with kids!!  Finish school after highschool!!)  From there I traveled a little with a local company to open up new branches, and ended up in Miami Beach. I met my first husband (& E's father) there, and lived between NYC & Miami.  When she was 4 we moved back to the area, living in Ozark.  I was soon a single mom, working a lot, finishing college, and raising a beautiful & energetic little girl!  I made lots of mistakes, but thankfully I learned from them!  I met Pat on a Friday the 13th, and we have been together ever since!  We were married in 2009, and although life hasn't been easy, God has helped us along!  He is running his general contractor business & I'm slowly building up my bootcamp and personal training business.  So that's my background in a nutshell :)

Which brings me to the reason for this blog- FAITH!  I think that having faith is easy when things are going smoothly.  When nothing is stressful and life is grand, it's easy to have faith & trust in God.  When things are stressful & money is tight & everything seems to be going wrong- THAT is when your faith is tested!  I know that some of my stresses at the moment are money, attorney bills, work, R's health (he is recovering from a brain tumor), the future for our family (kids?  I'm not getting any younger, but this reverts back to money...!)  It's a vicious cycle, and I'm ready to break it!

The Bible says: 
"Trust in the Lord and do good; so you will live in the land, and enjoy security. Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him." (Psalm 37:3-5, 7a) 

It's not easy.  It's hard to be patient!  But I know that God has a plan for me and I'm trying to patiently wait to see what it is :)  Last night I had this realization- and felt that God was talking to me- He was saying to be patient & faithful.  He was saying that things were going to work out.  I always pray, I go to church, I try to be a good Christian person (yes, I make plenty of mistakes!) but I have never felt his presence like I did last night.  I don't know how this will happen, but I have faith that He is going to take care of us!

Another reason for this blog- FAMILY.  My family is totally awesome!  (yes, I grew up in the 80's & 90's!!)  I've already mentioned Pat, E & R.  My in-law's live close by and we see them as often we we can (they are busy busy busy!!)  My parents live close and are a HUGE part of my life!  I see them all the time, and they have made me who I am today! My brother & sister-in-law (& future nephew- in August!!) live in Rogersville, and my sister lives in Texas.  Although we are all different, we all have the same background & faith. 

My sister, mom, & me

My point of view on this blog will mostly be from the mom & wife perspective, but I'm sure that the rest of our family will be mentioned from time to time :)

My final reason for this blog- FITNESS.  When I decided to get my personal trainer certification and not return to a regular 9-5 job, I really went out on a limb!  (less money & getting up every day at 4:30am were both big adjustments for us!  Especially the early mornings- I'm not much of an early bird!)  I had no clients and no place to work, but things quickly fell into place.  I know that God had a hand in that :)  If you know me, you know that my family has some crazy health history- cancer, heart attacks, strokes- you name it, we have it (mostly my dad!)  This has always made me more aware of health & fitness concepts.  I have always tried to be healthy & exercise.  But something clicked and I knew that I needed to try to help others take control of their health.  I'm definitely not an expert or even a nutritionist.  I can only teach from my own experiences, but I am so happy to see the life changes that my clients are making!  Losing weight & losing inches are great, but what is even better is when they tell me that they are off of their prescription medications or that they have more energy to go play with their kids now.  They are making better choices and regaining the ability to LIVE their life rather than watch it happen!  This is the reason that I love this job!!  

Love this - so true!  Want to get fit?  Then do it!!

People often ask what I do to stay healthy...  so here it is!  I try to do most of the bootcamp's with my clients.  I also run & bike.  When I really noticed a change in my body composition was when I started being aware of my nutrition.  I've always tried to eat healthy, but I've always LOVED sugar & caffeine.  I've had to break up with them, & I now love them each a little less :)  I did a Whole30 (seriously, if you are looking to change your diet check it out!  Yes, it's tough, but it is SO worth it!!) and I now eat a mostly Paleo diet.  (I have lots of info on it, just ask if you would like me to email some to you!) And I say mostly because I'm not perfect- I try to make it something that is do-able for my lifestyle, and cheat now & then, but for the most part I stick with it.  My body responds to it, making me more energetic & happy (& less tired & cranky!) and I highly recommend it!  I do a few non-paleo things, like supplements & I always have my morning coffee :)

This is getting really long - but I wanted to start it out with the reasons behind the creation of this blog!  In very specific order- Faith, Family, & Fitness.  Because for me, it's God first, family next, and then the rest of life's craziness!

I hope you enjoy my blog!!  Have a fab day :)