Wednesday, March 18, 2015

C'mon SPRING!!!!!

I don't know about YOU, but I am really loving these warmer temperature's the past few days! The rain is just going to make for greener grass and more flower blooms in the upcoming weeks! :) We have started on our garden, and I'm positive that this rain is going to make for an awesome crop this year ;) Seeds are started indoors, a few herbs going in the greenhouse, and some spring crops are started in the garden! If you can't tell, I'm pretty excited about it this year! I love being able to pick fresh veggies and fruits from my own back yard- and getting the whole family involved! I'll be sure to update our progress!

We have had so much going on since I last posted on here - balancing it all can be challenging! I'm so thankful that I have an awesome support system to keep me sane! HAHA!! Seriously though, my hubby is so amazing! He is the calm to my crazy :) And my kiddos are pretty stinkin' awesome as well! We all make a great team! We went down to a Home Show last weekend in Florida- I LOVEEEEE it down there! Seriously, I could relocate tomorrow! Me + Sunshine = Happy Jen :) We met some great people, and saw some wonderful products at the show. And we were able to enjoy the beach & pool for a bit as well! #winwin 


I found this cute pic on Pinterest! It is PERFECT for my mind today- I have so many thoughts and ideas and worries and work and family and... STOP IT JEN :) This was my reminder to STOP worrying, and just turn it over to God! No matter what is going on, He has it under control! So even when I can't see what He has planned, I will walk by faith and TRUST His plan! :)


We are busy! Homeschool, work, babysitting, work, gardening, work, and did I mention WORK?! Ha! #blessed 
We are also in the process of trying to figure out Carter's food allergies- we are on day #7 of Paleo-ish/Whole 30-ish diet to eliminate possible culprits (dairy, soy, msg, and we already know that he can't do gluten) And just because I needed to get my own nutrition under control, I'm doing it with him! :) Pray for us as we get his nutrition figured out- I just want a healthy baby again! 
And we are going to have another addition to the Scott family SOON! My sister-in-law and brother will be adding a baby boy sometime in the next few weeks- and I am super excited to meet him! (My sister is also expecting in June- and they aren't finding out the sex until he or she is born! The suspense is killing me!!!)


I am really missing my fit classes... but I am thankful that I'm able to keep in touch with so many of you via social media! AND I'm happy to see that so many of you have kept up with your healthier lifestyle! I try to continue posting motivational content, articles, etc. for everyone! It also helps to keep me motivated and healthy! Sharing your journey is a GREAT way to have public accountability! I finished PIYO and have been doing HIIT workouts & strength training- focusing on getting stronger & healthier! I try to post workouts, food ideas, motivation, fitness info and articles, etc. to my IG & FB accounts!

Follow me at @jen.ostergren.cpt on both INSTAGRAM & FACEBOOK!!!!