Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January Update!

What a gorgeous morning! We are having unbelievably awesome weather (for a January in Missouri, that is! Definitely not as nice as my Florida friends, but nicer than the blizzard that is overtaking the northeast today!) and the rest of this week looks nice! My little man is finally old enough to NOT eat everything that he picks up, so we have been outside a lot! ;)

Life has been busy, but blessed! I have obviously slacked on blogging, but I will give you a quick update! 

This year, one of my goals is to read through the Bible again. I'm following a plan on the Bible app on my phone, and love it! I'm also reading the MSG version this time, which is a change from my usual. God has been so amazing to our family, and I just want to please Him and show others how amazing His grace is! I'll be posting updates to this blog, so just shoot me an email with any questions!

Our family is doing great & expanding (not me, my sis and sis-in-law)!!! Bryan & Charith are due in March, and Teresa & Shaun live in Colorado and will welcome their little bundle of joy in June! I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited! :) The rest of our family is doing great as well! I went by the nursing home yesterday & visited with my Grandma- she was having a good day & was full of stories to tell me!  Here is more on my little family-

  • Homeschooling is going great- she ended her semester with all A's, rocked the CAT test (momma needed to make sure that she was retaining all of that info!), and I'm loving the opportunity it gives to make learning FUN! She did a pig dissection class last week at Wonder's of Wildlife (Bass Pro), and while that isn't MY idea of fun, she loved it! She loved it so much that she kept sending me pictures labeled 'oink oink' (gag!) HA!
  • Carter is growing up WAAAAAY too fast! He is 18 month's old, running, climbing, talking, and in to everything! He is all boy, and we have so much fun! I don't know that I've blogged about it, but he can not eat gluten, Last week he got into some and broke out in a horrible case of hives and was sick to his stomach... it's amazing what all they add gluten products to, but I'll save that rant for another day! He loves trucks, tractors, and riding in "dadda's BIG truck" :)
  • Speaking of dadda- work is staying steady, and Pat has done some really amazing remodel work! I love seeing the transformations of these home projects! It's amazing what can be done to fix up a space, and at any budget! People automatically think that they can't afford to do anything, but there are just SO MANY options out there! I'm always giving him ideas from my HGTV watching experiences (not so sure that he loves them, but he gets them nonetheless!)
I miss my bootcamp ladies & gent's! I am super happy to see that some of them are continuing with fitness and staying healthy, though! I *may* have a fitness option in the works soon, more to be announced at a later date!!!
As for my personal fitness journey, it's taken an interesting twist! (interesting if you like fitness and know me!) I dislocated my left shoulder a few months ago and had to rest... I HATE resting, but with the amount of pain I had, I didn't really have an option! Fast forward the weeks of healing, and I was able to start strengthening the joint again. I started doing PIYO, which is so far off of my usual fitness path that it's not even funny, and I have ended up loving it! I've just about finished a full round, and I'm more flexible that ever, longer & leaner, and more toned without the heavy weights and joint pain! I definitely recommend it to anyone! Even if you incorporate a few days of it in with your current routine, it would be beneficial to your muscles! I have started adding weight training and HIIT back in, and while I still love doing that I'm really glad that I found PIYO! As far as my fitness goals, I'm still working on being active daily (which I have a FitBit now, and that helps to remind me to get moving!) and remembering to eat healthy - Florida will be here before I know it!

Have a great day!