Sunday, June 22, 2014

11 months later...

1 day before Carter / this morning

I've been asked many times about my post-baby workout plan. Well, any "plans" that I had were quickly thrown out the window! I have learned through trial and error to be flexible! I am a very hands-on type of mommy, and I wouldn't change it for the world! But that definitely puts a damper on working out! Carter is with me most of the time, so I have found ways to include him in my workouts. My jogging stroller has a lot of miles on it already! I do squats and lunges while holding him if he's having 'one of those' days :) I go to the gym to teach my fitness classes, and most of the time he is there clapping and cheering my ladies on!

So what have I done to make some progress? I contribute a LOT of it to breastfeeding. It's made me stay aware of my eating habits, eat a little bit cleaner, and avoid all supplements... yep, these are all fat-burner free results! I've also become a lot more relaxed with my fitness regimen. Before Carter, and even throughout my entire pregnancy, I could easily spend a few hours at the gym a day. Now I do all of my workouts at home and with my bootcamp ladies in the evenings. My workouts are quick and intense (quick being the key word-Carter is not a good napper and wants to help me workout... so heavy weights and quick, HIIT workouts have been my key!) The same workouts that I do at home are what I have my clients doing :) We also go on walks and runs when we can!

Also, taking a few minutes each day to pray and have quiet time has helped me to deal with the lack of sleep and craziness of life! (it's not always quiet- but sometimes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is kind of like quiet!) God has been so good to our family - I only hope that I can do what He wants and be a good witness to others!

If you're a new mommy, hang in there and relax!! Enjoy this time because it goes so fast! (Seriously, I can't believe we are planning his 1 year birthday already!) Go for walks, and find a workout that you enjoy! It helps you to feel better, look better, and have more fun out there playing with the kiddos!

If you have any comments or questions, send me a message at! And follow my Facebook page at
I love to hear from you guys!

Jen :)