- I'm 27 weeks along now and getting bigger each day- our little man is growing quickly!
- I had an OB appointment on Tuesday and I'm measuring a little big, so he has definitely hit a growth spurt! I start 2 week appointments now- time is flying!
- I also have gained (pounds) at this point what I wanted to gain in the whole pregnancy... kind of frustrating! I eat healthy and still workout pretty intensely. I guess this guy just needs more space to grow! I'm just hoping that my healthy eating & exercise pay off after he arrives!
- I failed my 1 hour glucose test. Talk about surprised!! After doing some research, I found that a lot of ladies that follow a paleo-type eating plan fail it. So I'm hoping that I pass the 3 hour test on Monday and I don't have to take any precautions for Gestational Diabetes! I'm definitely not looking forward to sitting there for 3 hours on Monday morning... I'm going through some book recommendations today to help pass the time!
- They didn't find kidney stones! I have had some major back/kidney pain... I'm pretty good with pain, since I'm used to pushing my body to the limit with workouts. But this pain makes me stop & catch my breath. IT SUCKS! I'm very glad that it isn't kidney stones, but I wish it would go away! Driving or sitting for awhile (even through a meal) is a challenge!
- I went to a chiropractor for the first time this week as well! I'm hoping that she can help with the back issues. She is also a natural doctor, so it was nice to talk to someone that is on the same wavelength as I am as regarding nutrition & exercise! I am back to all-paleo diet (except I can have steel cut oats, which I haven't tried yet) instead of part paleo with the occasional ice cream indulgence! If this helps then I will definitely keep it up!! It just stinks that it coincides with the opening of my favorite place- Pineapple Whip :) If you aren't from around here, you should visit in the summer just to try it out!
- Baby boy still doesn't have a name. We do have a list made but it isn't narrowed down yet :)
- He is VERY active these days! Right now, as I'm typing this, there is some type of kung-fu going on in my belly!
- He has a bed and the room is starting to come together!
- I'm still working out- once I got past the "sick phase" of the pregnancy the workouts were MUCH easier! Despite the big belly, I can still do most of the exercises and lifts. Running is getting more difficult- I need to try out one of the prego support bands to see if it helps! If you are prego & your doc okay's it, I HIGHLY recommend keeping up with your exercise routine!!
- I made a lot of paleo foods yesterday. I know myself- if it's prepped and ready to go, I will eat it! So I cooked chicken & beef, boiled eggs, made some goodies that are paleo-approved, and went shopping for meat & fruits/veggies/nuts for easy, portable snacks!
Other than baby/prego updates, we have just been busy like normal! Pat has been blessed with business growing & great clients these past few months. Elisabeth is finishing up with this season of competitive cheerleading. Her last competition is this weekend! We had one a few weeks ago in St. Louis and it was a great weekend! We spent the weekend with part of her team & went shopping, to dinner, to City Museum (I skipped this!), the zoo... a great weekend full of memories! Here are a few pic's:
Elisabeth, Laekyn, Kylinn, & Chesnee
My 2 loves <3 at the zoo!
The hubby & the prego :)
My awesome daughter & me (& the little guy!)
J4- some awesome kids!
Work update- my clients are just amazing! My bootcamp's have been awesome & clients are getting results! I've also had an increase in virtual training clients. Not only are they getting good results, but they are getting REALLY good results! The personalized training plans are really working well for everyone and I am so glad to see that they are doing the work & taking the nutrition tips and applying them! Not only are they losing weight & inches, but they are feeling better and are able to enjoy life a little bit more!
I LOVE helping people get healthier & get their 'happy' back!
Time to log off, I hear my nephew waking up! Happy Thursday friends!