Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Crazy weather!

It's January! We've had a few awesome 70 degree days, & then today it's cold & snowy!! Welcome to Missouri winters!  I have a busy day ahead but thought I would share a few pic's before I hit the road :)

It feels like a super power some days :)

This was last week (15 weeks)  It seems that it's grown a little bit more this week :)

12 week ultrasound pic!  20 week u/s is right around the corner :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Catching up!

It's been a crazy few months & I have totally slacked on this blog because...  we are expecting in July!  I've been really sick & tired (& did I mention SICK?!!) but I'm finally starting to feel a little bit better!  I will be 16 weeks on Thursday- time is moving pretty quickly!  We are all super excited!  

Here are a few of our pictures from December that we used to announce this awesome news!  (Photos by the amazing Jennifer Snider!)

Our next ultrasound is in February, so we may know whether it's a boy or a girl in less than a month!  I'm excited either way!  

Fitness & nutrition...  Fitness has stayed pretty great.  I've definitely listened to my body & slowed down when I needed to, but I've kept up pretty well!  Nutrition is a different story...  I had to quit paleo for now- I've had a big aversion to meats and I've been so sick that I pretty much just eat what I can stomach!  Luckily I still love fruits & some veggies, but I had to quit feeling guilty about the grains :)  (I had a blueberry muffin for breakfast!)  I haven't gained any weight yet (actually I've lost, but I had the stomach flu over the weekend so that didn't help) but at my last appointment the baby was doing fabulous!

I'll try to post more often (& a few belly shots!)